Saturday, August 26, 2006

Tapas, Seville

Tapas, Seville
Originally uploaded by shodoboy.
This was taken inside a famous Tapa bar in Seville. Note the hanging hams. Tapa(s) are snacks, or small dishes. Extremely fun. I think the word may have connectons with the English word 'tap' , meaning to stop , (ie fill up)

Tapas are marked by their simplicity.

"Life is simple. We are complex. Life is simple and the simple thing is always the right thing" (Oscar Wilde)

Aguadiente ("Firewater")

Aguadiente ("Firewater")
Originally uploaded by shodoboy.
Aguadiente or firewater, A potent digestive. This was a bottle at the famous restaurant, El Duche (The Duke) in Segovia. El Duche is famous for suckling pig. I ordered that, and it was fantastic. The firewater was good too.
